We are waiting for your call!

Hotel Lion Bansko
The city of Bansko
St. George Nastev
Reception: +359 882 508 418
Reservations: +359 29424488; +359 887133333; +359 885700345
(from 09.00 to 18.00)
Fax: +359 7498 68 68

e-mail: bansko@hotelslion.bg

How to get from Sofia to Hotel Lion Bansko:

Entering Bansko, continue along Patriarch Evtimii St., then turn right onto Glazne St. Follow this street to the intersection with Pirin Street and go along it. From Pirin St. turn left after about 150 m onto Nayden Gerov St. Turn right onto Georgi Nastev St. - after about 100 m, you will find the Lion Bansko hotel.

GPS coordinates: East longitude 23.483996; North latitude 41.826493.